3.2 There are mistakes in the use of reflexive pronouns in some of these sentences. Find the
mistakes and correct them. / У деяких із цих речень є помилки у вживанні зворотних займенників. Знайди помилки і виправити їх.
1. Pop stars started the work for charity themselves.
2. She himself became a briliant example of universal love and goodwill to man.
3. The society has to help the poor and hungry people myself.
4. We must do something about the problem yourself.
5. He decided to change his life herself
6. The children are making themselves something to eat.


Ответ дал: angelCakes
1.начебто нема помилок.
2.himself змінюємо на herself, і ще в кінці змінюємо man на woman.
3.змінюємо has на have, myself на themselves.
4.змінюємо речення, we must do something about our problem.
5.тут змінюємо herself на himself.
6.themselves переставляє в кінець.

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