Reported speech
* Fill in the gaps with said or told.
Hi bloggers,
Yesterday, my friend 1) told me about a new exhibition that she had just seen. She 2) it was based on modern cinema. She 3) she had a great time and she 4) ....
...... me that I
should see it before it closed. I 5) .....
.... her I
would go at the weekend. I'll get back to all of you with more details.



Ответ дал: pugsbonita
1. told
2. said
3. said
4. told
5. told
Ответ дал: AlexWhite23


Hi bloggers,

Yesterday, my friend 1) told me about a new exhibition that she had just seen. She 2)said it was based on modern cinema. She 3) said she had a great time and she 4) told me that I should see it before it closed. I 5) said to her I would go at the weekend. I'll get back to all of you with more details.

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