Partner 2 Use the following prompts, in the order given below, to make up a dialogue: Tell your partner: • what famous movie about a fantasy world you know; • when and where it was shot; to say how this world is different from yours; • what you know about its citizens; why you think it is original.​


Ответ дал: Okaruno

Partner 1: Hey, have you ever seen a movie about a fantasy world?

Partner 2: Yes, I have. Do you have any in mind?

Partner 1: Well, there's one that I heard was really popular. It's called "The Lord of the Rings".

Partner 2: Oh, yeah! That's a great one. It was shot in New Zealand back in the early 2000s.

Partner 1: Wow, I had no idea. What makes this fantasy world different from ours?

Partner 2: Well, for starters, there are a lot of magical creatures like hobbits, elves, and dwarves. Plus, there's magic and sorcery that doesn't exist in our world.

Partner 1: That sounds really cool. What do you know about the citizens of this fantasy world?

Partner 2: They are all very different from each other, but they all have a common goal to defeat the dark lord Sauron. The hobbits are small and love to eat, while the elves are tall and wise. The dwarves are skilled craftsmen and warriors.

Partner 1: That's really interesting. Why do you think this fantasy world is so original?

Partner 2: I think it's original because it has a fully developed history, culture, and language. The author J.R.R. Tolkien created a whole world from scratch and it feels like a real place. Plus, the story has so many twists and turns that keep you on the edge of your seat.

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