Card 2 Partner 1 Use the following prompts, in the order given below, to make up a dialogue: Ask your partner: • what fantasy city or a world your partner knows from the movie: • when and where this movie was shot; • to say what things in this city/world are different: • what your partner knows about it's citizens; why your partner thinks this movie is original. The Lord of the Rings Avatar Har Pater Chronicles of Narnia 39/57 Harry Potter ... ...​


Ответ дал: KvashkaAndSequt

Me: Hey, have you watched any movies with a fantasy world or city that you really liked?

Partner: Yes, I love the world of Avatar.

Me: Oh, that's interesting. When and where was the movie shot?

Partner: The movie was released in 2009 and it was shot in New Zealand.

Me: What things in the world of Avatar are different from our world?

Partner: Well, for starters, there are floating mountains and creatures that can connect their hair to each other and communicate through their minds.

Me: Wow, that sounds really cool. What do you know about the citizens of this world?

Partner: The Na'vi are the native inhabitants of Pandora, and they live in harmony with nature. They have a strong spiritual connection to their environment.

Me: That's fascinating. Why do you think this movie is original compared to other fantasy movies?

Partner: I think it's because of the attention to detail in creating a unique and believable world. The creatures, plants, and even the language spoken by the Na'vi were all meticulously crafted to make the world of Avatar feel real.

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