8. What predictions with 'be going to' can you make in the following situations? Use the words: be sick, crash, get wet, lose, not stop, rain
1. The sky is full of dark clouds.
It's going to rain.
2. Now it's starting to rain. There's nowhere to shelter and you haven't got an umbrella.
3. You feel awful. There's a terrible feeling in your stomach.
4. You are playing snooker. The game is nearly over and you are 100 points behind.
5. You can see an airplane coming down. It's out of control and falling to the ground,
6. You are waiting for a bus. There's a bus coming, but you don't know if it's the one you want.
It's travelling very fast.


Ответ дал: vadkrasava10


1. It's going to rain.

2. You're going to get wet.

3. You're going to be sick.

4. You're going to lose.

5. It's going to crash.


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