Task 3. Use of English. Comparison of Adjectives 1.The tour was ... excite than I expected. 2. It's...deep ocean in the world. 3.Planes are...fast than trains. 4.Planes are... expensive means of transport. 5.She's ...good student of all. 6.New York is ..... noisy than York. (much/many) 7.York is.... expensive than New York. (little/less) 8. This joke was funny I've ever heard. 9.My computer is ... bad than yours. ****​


Ответ дал: vanyaekmayek


The tour was more exciting than I expected.

It's the deepest ocean in the world.

Planes are faster than trains.

Planes are a more expensive means of transport.

She's the best student of all.

New York is much noisier than York.

York is less expensive than New York.

This joke was the funniest I've ever heard.

My computer is worse/better than yours. (Note: It's unclear what type of comparison is being made here, so it's not clear which adjective to use.)

evav77300: огромное спасибо ❤️
vanyaekmayek: незачто зайка
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