Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в правильную грамматическую форму, выбирая между Future Simple (e.g. I will work) или Future Simple-in-the-Past (e.g. I would work):
1. I don’t know if she __________________(come) tomorrow.
2. Ask her when they _____________________(move) to the new flat.
3. He doesn’t know when they _____________________(come).
4. I wonder when he _____________________(get up).
5. Do you know when she _____________________(speak) with him about the job?
6. They asked if he _________________(go) by train or __________________(fly).
7. They want to know if there _________________(be) any changes in the timetable.
8. I was not sure if they _____________________(get) to the station in time.
9. It was not clear if the weather _____________________(change), so we wanted to
know if the flight _____________________(be delayed).
10. She was not sure if she _____________________(be met) by the friends at the
station and she wanted to know if she ___________________(be able) to hire a taxi.
11. Mother didn’t ask me if I _____________________(come) late but she was
interested to know when I _____________________(return).
12. That time I didn’t know if I _____________________(buy) the car.


Ответ дал: apspa
I don’t know if she will come tomorrow. (Future Simple)
Ask her when they will move to the new flat. (Future Simple)
He doesn’t know when they will come. (Future Simple)
I wonder when he will get up. (Future Simple)
Do you know when she will speak with him about the job? (Future Simple)
They asked if he would go by train or fly. (Future Simple-in-the-Past)
They want to know if there will be any changes in the timetable. (Future Simple)
I was not sure if they would get to the station in time. (Future Simple-in-the-Past)
It was not clear if the weather would change, so we wanted to know if the flight would be delayed. (Future Simple)
She was not sure if she would be met by the friends at the station and she wanted to know if she would be able to hire a taxi. (Future Simple-in-the-Past)
Mother didn’t ask me if I would come late but she was interested to know when I would return. (Future Simple-in-the-Past)
That time I didn’t know if I would buy the car. (Future Simple-in-the-Past)
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