Написать про гору бен-невис на английском пжжжж СРОЧНО!!!!


Ответ дал: Vampir87



Scotland is located in Europe, at the northern end of Great Britain. Scotland is a part on the United Kingdom, along with England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Scotland shares a border with England.

Scotland has nearly 800 islands, but people only live on some of them. Scotland is a very beautiful country with many mountains, forests, beaches, rivers and lakes.

The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh while the largest city is Glasgow.

The population of Scotland  was around 5.2 million.

Most people live in the south of the country in and around the cities of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Perth and Dundee. The language spoken is English and Scottish. The money used here is called the pound sterling.

The highest mountain in Scotland is Ben Nevis which stands at a height of 1344 metres.

A variety of wildlife can be found in Scotland, including seals, mountain hare, ptarmigan, stoats and the golden eagle.

Scotland has over 300 railway stations.

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