Part 3: Use of article a, an, the. Choose the correct article:
1.I have ___ apple in my bag.
a) a;
b) an;
c) the.
2.Choose the correct article:
He is eating ___ pizza for lunch,
a) a;
b) an;
c) the.
3.Choose the correct article:
I want to go to ___ park
a) a;
b) an;
c) the.
4.Choose the correct article:
2/3 She is going to ___ beach this weekend.
a) a;
b) an;
c) the.
5. Choose the correct article:
Have you seen ___ new movie yet?
a) a;
b) an;
c) the.
6. Choose the correct article:
We went to ___ museum yesterday.
a) a
b) an;
c) the
7. Choose the correct article:
I need to buy ___ book for my class.
a) a;
b) an;
c) the.
8.Choose the correct article:
He has ___ dog named Max.
a) a;
b) an;
c) the.
9.Choose the correct article:
I'm going to ___ store to buy some milk.
a) a;
b) an;
c) the.
10.Choose the correct article:
We saw ___ elephant at the zoo.
a) a;
b) an;
c) the.​


Ответ дал: alikaqueen09


1) an 2) a 3) the 4)the 5)a 6)the 7)a 8)a 9)the 10) an


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