пожалуйста очень срочно 3 Read and complete the sentences. 1. The climate is ..... 2. The weather describes ...... 3. The weather includes .... 4. The climate of the UK is temperate which means that .... 5. The climate of the UK has ...... 6. Britain has plenty of clouds and rain because *****​


Ответ дал: 47wv5zy5fc

1. The climate is the average weather conditions over a long period of time in a particular place.

2. The weather describes the short-term atmospheric conditions like temperature, precipitation, wind, etc. in a specific location.

3. The weather includes different elements such as temperature, humidity, precipitation, cloud cover, wind speed, direction, etc.

4. The climate of the UK is temperate which means that it has mild winters and cool summers with moderate rainfall throughout the year.

5. The climate of the UK has a maritime influence due to its location surrounded by oceans which keeps the temperature moderate and provides ample rainfall.

6. Britain has plenty of clouds and rain because of the moist air masses that come from the Atlantic Ocean and the prevailing westerly winds that bring them in.

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