8 In pairs, choose three
adjectives from the
Vocabulary box to describe:
your personality
your partner's personality
the personality of the perfect friend
the personality of a famous person
you like/don't like
I'm chatty, ...


Ответ дал: AnonimAnonimovich3

Here's an example of how you can use the prompt:

1. My personality: I'm chatty, curious, and adventurous.

2. My partner's personality: My partner is organized, reliable, and considerate.

3. The personality of the perfect friend: The perfect friend is loyal, funny, and supportive.

4. The personality of a famous person I like: I really admire Ellen DeGeneres for being kind, generous, and compassionate.

5. The personality of a famous person I don't like: I don't like Kanye West because he comes across as arrogant, egotistical, and unpredictable.

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