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Ответ дал: Katrinnxx

Ответ:Andy asked me not to tell my parents that he was at my house last night.
Jan asked us not to be late for the tonight's concert.
He asked his parents to take him out for his birthday.
My mum asked me to be careful while cleaning those pictures.
My dad asked me to hang the washing out when it's finished.
The manager asked us to be quiet or he will ask us to leave the cinema.
The teacher asked the class to stop talking immiediately.
Mum asked my brother not to shave his head.


kitty0015: Огромное спасибо, но уже не нужно, зато могу сказать что твой ответ на 100% правильный)
Katrinnxx: если что - обращайся, с радостью помогу
kitty0015: хорошо)
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