Составить 4 предложения с любыми словами ниже: local,makes known, presence,the non-phusical part of sb or sth, meetings, information you have about subject,sacred, having been part of a culture for a long time, yearly, continued to exist,created,made without using a machine


Ответ дал: vitshka
1) і was scared by this situation
2) my jewelry was made without using a machine
3) she goes to the local store every day
4) yearly people in Ukraine use more than 3 million liters of fuel
Ответ дал: stighor



1) This book makes him known. - Эта книга делает его известным.
2) I don't need your presence at the conference.  - Мне не нужно твое присутствие на конференции.
3) They arrange personal meetings after the conference. - Они устраивают личные встречи после конференции.
4) It's a sacred date for everyone. - Это священная дата для всех.
5) We created a new image of a politician. - Мы создали новый образ политика.

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