Помогите пожалуйста
1. A funny humorous film.

a) a cartoon b) a thriller c) a comedy

2. The title of the movie, in which the main character is Peter Parker.

a) Titanic b) Spider Man c) Walle-E

3. William Shakespeare was born in.

a) England b) Scotland c) The USA

4. The name of the Shakespeare Theater.

a) The Globe b) The Royal Theatre c) The Big Theatre

5. How many parts are in review?

a) 3 b) 2 c) 1

6. What type of film is shown in the picture?

a) musical b) fantastical c) melodrama


Ответ дал: mmm9481
1) c
2) b
3) а
5) а
6) прости, картинки не вижу
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