Exercise 2. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the given words.

1. In our school, most groups have about 30________ in them.

He is a______ at the University of California.
Pupil / Student

2. Who_______you to pronounce this word like that?

I would love to________a new language I don‘t know anything about.
Teach / Learn

3. Children in England go to______school from the ages of 5 to 11.

Then they continue at__________school.
Primary / Secondary

4. The exam_______come out today and I‘m really nervous. I hope I have passed.

A______is a letter which shows how well you did in a test.
Grade / Results

5. I made many mistakes in the exam and I don‘t think I_____ it.
I‘m nervous because I‘m _____ my first exam today.
Take / Pass

6. We have___________. The quality of our work is judged by pieces of course work and not by one final___________.
Continuous assessment / Examination


Ответ дал: mashaqaelet


In our school, most groups have about 30 pupils/students in them. He is a student at the University of California.

Who taught you to pronounce this word like that? I would love to learn a new language I don't know anything about.

Children in England go to primary school from the ages of 5 to 11. Then they continue at secondary school.

The exam results come out today and I'm really nervous. I hope I have passed. A grade is a letter which shows how well you did in a test.

I made many mistakes in the exam and I don't think I passed it. I'm nervous because I'm taking my first exam today.

We have continuous assessment. The quality of our work is judged by pieces of coursework and not by one final examination

mashaqaelet: Сподіваюся, що допомогла з відповіддю, якщо вона вас влаштовує, поставте позначку , що це найкраща відповідь,дякую ♥️
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