Time-clause test
1. I'll stay here till Tom (get) back.
2. We'll go out as soon as the shops (open).
3. You drive first, and when you (be) tired, I'll
take over.
4. The sooner we (start), the sooner we'll get
5. We will send you the goods as soon as we
(receive) your cheque.
6. I'll wait as long as you (like).
7. Shall I jump out when the bus (slow) down at
the next corner?
8. No, you'd better wait till it (stop) at the traffic
9. You are too young to understand. I (explain) it
to you when you (be) older.
10. Tom: I can't get used to driving on the left.
Jack: When you (be) here for another week
you'll find it quite easy.


Ответ дал: mashaqaelet


Time clause: till Tom gets back. (present simple)

Time clause: as soon as the shops open. (present simple)

Time clause: when you are tired. (present simple)

Time clause: sooner we start. (present simple)

Time clause: as soon as we receive your cheque. (present simple)

Time clause: as long as you like. (present simple)

Time clause: when the bus slows down at the next corner. (present simple)

Time clause: till it stops at the traffic lights. (present simple)

Time clause: when you are older. (present simple)

Time clause: when you have been here for another week. (present perfect)

Ответ дал: minilofo


1)  I'll stay here till Tom gets back.

2) We'll go out as soon as the shops open.

3)You drive first, and when you are tired, I'll take over. 

4)The sooner we start, the sooner we'll get there. 

5) We will send you the goods as soon as we receive your cheque. 

6) I'll wait as you like.

7) Shall I jump out when the bus slows down at the next corner?

8) No, you'd better wait till it stops at the traffic lights. 

9) You are too young to understand. I will explain it to you when you are older.

10)  Tom: Brown is the best post in the university. Ann: Now read Smith's poems. When you read  them you'll say that he is better. 

11) Jack:  When you are here for another week you will find it quite easy. 


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