s X Read the email message from your friend Jenny. Write a short reply to her and answer all her questions. D 20 X X Hi! I am so happy that you're coming to visit England! It's going to be great! We're going to stay in London for two days. What would you like to see and do there? And do you like all types of food? Mum's a great cook. Tell me if there's any English food you'd like to try. My dad is going to meet you at the airport. I'll be at school, unfortunately. When and where are you arriving? Write back soon, Jenny​
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pixeltema: 8 ДУЖЕ БАГАТО


Ответ дал: pixeltema


Dear Jenny,

Thank you so much for your email! I'm very excited to visit England and I can't wait to explore London with you. I'd love to see the famous landmarks like the Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and the Tower Bridge. It would also be great to visit some museums or art galleries. As for food, I'm open to trying new things and would love to taste some authentic English dishes. Maybe your mum could cook us some fish and chips?

I'll be arriving at Heathrow Airport on the 3rd of April at 10 am. Your dad is very kind to meet me there. I can't wait to see you and catch up on all the news!

Best regards,

[Your Name]


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