enny. X X Complete the sentences with will or won't and these verbs. Frammar be disappear go pass rain • snow 0 1 My brother. tomorrow. He looks very ill this evening. 2 I think Peta older. She loves animals. 3 Tigers 4 It too warm. to school e endangered and I think they soon. 6 Tina she never practises. a vet when she's tonight because it's 5 I'm taking an umbrella because the weather forecast said that it later. her driving test because 2 Circle the correct alternative. 1 It isn't going to rain/raining later. The sky is blue. 2 Jack will be/is being 17 next Thursday. 3 I'll see/am seeing you later. Bye! 4 I'll play/'m playing tennis with Stuart at ten. 5 Are you going to be/Are you being at home later? I'll phone/'m phoning you then. 3 4 5 6 k 7 Vo 1​


Ответ дал: misto2933



1. won't be

2. will be getting

3. will disappear

4. won't go

5. will be endangered

6. won't pass

7. will be a vet


1. It isn't going to rain

2. Jack will be 17 next Thursday.

3. I'll see you later. Bye!

4. I'll play tennis with Stuart at ten.

5. Are you going to be at home later? I'll phone you then.

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