1 Write the correct words. A big bird that can see small animals on the ground. 4 e. 2 They are very colourful and grow in the garden. f....... 3 This is where a river flows down a mountain. W.. This big fish has sharp teeth. s 5 This place has water all round it. i. 6 You sometimes find this in the bath or shower. It has eight black legs. s... 2 Complete the sentences with words for animals and insects. 1 An a 2 Ab can, too. 3 Aw t... 4 Ab S.... r looks like a big e can sting, and a j f is like a wild dog, but a r is more like a cat. r can walk on two legs, but a e doesn't have any legs. d. h​


Ответ дал: anibayashi

Відповідь: flowers, way, shark, continent, water, spider


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