4 Write Libya or Antarcuca. 1 The South Pole is in Antarctica. 3 4 All the water in is frozen. Scientists recorded a temperature of 57.8°C in On the border between 5 6 7 8 A hot wind blows across The Arctic is warmer than 5 6 7 8 and Egypt it hardly ever rains. 5 Circle the correct words to make true sentences. is one of the hottest countries in the world. is the driest continent in the world. for some of the year. We use scientists thermometers to show us the temperature. A temperature of 40°C / 20°C isn't very comfortable. When the temperature falls below zero / 30°C, the weather is very cold. El Azizia is in Russia / Libya. Scientists believe I don't believe that some places are hotter than El Azizia. In Libya it's hot / cold and windy in the autumn. Russian scientists in Antarctica/ the Arctic recorded the coldest temperature ever. There is lots of/ isn't much rain in Antarctica.​



Ответ дал: rogue23200


  • 1. Antarctica
  • 2. Antarctica
  • 3. Libya
  • 4. Libya
  • 5. Antarctica
  • 6. Libya
  • 7. Antarctica
  • 8. Libya

  • A temperature of 40°C isn't very comfortable.
  • When the temperature falls below zero, the weather is very cold.
  • El Azizia is in Libya.
  • Scientists believe that some places are hotter than El Azizia.
  • In Libya, it's hot and windy in the autumn.
  • Russian scientists in Antarctica recorded the coldest temperature ever.
  • There isn't much rain in Antarctica.


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