Поставте дієслова, які стоять у дужках, у Past Indefinite або у Past Perfect
1. a) They (to write) the control work last Friday. b) These students (to write) the control work by that time. 2.a) This student (to work) hard last term. b) These students (to work) hard by that time. 3.a) I(to do) my homework yesterday. b) We( to do) our task by Monday.


Ответ дал: jlabuda

a) They (to write) the control work last Friday.

b) These students (to write) the control work by that time.


a) They wrote the control work last Friday.

b) These students had written the control work by that time.

a) This student (to work) hard last term.

b) These students (to work) hard by that time.


a) This student worked hard last term.

b) These students had worked hard by that time.

a) I (to do) my homework yesterday.

b) We (to do) our task by Monday.


a) I did my homework yesterday.

b) We had done our task by Monday.

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