Допоможіть будь ласка, терміново потрібно
Complete the sentences with the Future Perfect or the Future Continuous.(Доповніть речення Future Perfect або Future Continuous.)
1.The presentation won't have finished (not finish) by five o'clock.
2. What do you think you______ (do) this time next year?
3. They _______(not land) in Australia by 7 p.m.
4. _____the professor______ (come) to a decision by tomorrow?
5. At this time tomorrow we______ (sit) in the exam room with the question paper in front of us!
6. I can't have coffee at ten tomorrow because I_____(play) tennis.
Choose the correct words to complete the three conversations.(Виберіть правильні слова, щоб завершити три розмови.)
A ¹What time may / does the train leave?
B ²At five thirty but it's five thirty already! It is going to be/is being late.
A ³We will go / are going to the cinema after school. Would you like to come?
B ⁴Great! What time do you meet/ are you meeting?
A ⁵I think I will have / will have had a gap year when I finish school. I'm sick of studying.
B ⁶That's a big decision. Are you sure you may not / won't regret it?


Ответ дал: ruslanfeya5


1. The presentation won't have finished (not finish) by five o'clock.

2. What do you think you will be doing (do) this time next year?

3. They will not have landed (not land) in Australia by 7 p.m.

4. Will the professor have come (come) to a decision by tomorrow?

5.At this time tomorrow, we will be sitting in the exam room with the question paper in front of us!

6. I can't have coffee at ten tomorrow because I will be playing tennis.

7. A1. What time does the train leave?

B2. At five thirty, but it's five thirty already! It's going to be late.

A3. We are going to the cinema after school. Would you like to come?

B4. Great! What time are you meeting?

A5. I think I will have a gap year when I finish school. I'm sick of studying.

B6. That's a big decision. Are you sure you won't regret it?

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