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Ответ дал: drtyhrtm7n54


Elena wants to climb the lower wall.

Walking is safer than kayaking.

Cycling is easier than climbing.

The higher wall is more exciting than the lower wall.

Elena is better at climbing than Tom.


Summer is hotter than winter..

Japanese is more difficult than English.

Tigers are bigger than lions.

Mount Everest is higher than Kilimanjaro.

A Ferrari is more expensive than a Fiat.


drtyhrtm7n54: можно как лучшее, пожалуйста
Ответ дал: pon0nop

Ответ: 1) 2. lower; 3. safer; 4. easier;

5. more exciting; 6. better.

2) 2. hotter; 3. more difficult; 4. are dangerous; 5. higher; 6. more expensive.

Объяснение: после

каждого вставленного слова, надо вставить

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