23. Choose the correct item.
1. Willy said that he ... fond of swim- ming. was, is, would be
2. Roddy told us that he a week be
had come, came, would come
3. Julia knew that her brother... a real gun.
would have, had, has
4. Jeff understood that he... fight with girls.
can't, couldn't, won't be able to
5. Mario said that he... to San Francisco lately.
would be, was, had been

24. Choose the correct item.
1. The teacher said that A. Pushkin... born in 1799.
had been, was, would be
2. Linda told us that she ... many gold coins in her collection.
had, has, would have
3. Mike supposed that he... wild animals in Africa next year.
hunted, would hunt, had hunted
4. Carol said that she ... to eat nuts.
wouldn't like, didn't like, doesn't like
5. Morris said that he would be able to, could, can work as a sailor​


Ответ дал: KvashkaAndSequt

23) Willy said that he is fond of swimming.

Roddy told us that he had come a week before.

Julia knew that her brother had a real gun.

Jeff understood that he couldn't fight with girls.

Mario said that he had been to San Francisco lately.

24) The teacher said that A. Pushkin was born in 1799.

Linda told us that she has many gold coins in her collection.

Mike supposed that he would hunt wild animals in Africa next year.

Carol said that she doesn't like to eat nuts.

Morris said that he could work as a sailor.

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