1. I had to ask the boys (stop) (ride) their mini-scooters in the corridor.
2. Don't start (try) (learn) algebra before you have finished (learn) (do) simple things in arithmetic.
3. We can't think of (buy) a new house before (sell) the old one.
4. I'd love (have) the opportunity of (meet) you again.
5. Our teacher has promised (help) us (prepare) for next week's test.
6. I hate (get up) early in winter and (get ready) in the dark.
7. If you can't fix that old thing, try (hit) it with a hammer!
8. I saw her (sit) at the bus stop, and I heard her (tell) her friend not to wait for her. 9. Poor Charles! The police suspected him of (try) (sell) stolen bicycles.
10.Can you manage (finish) (pack) these parcels alone?


Ответ дал: KvashkaAndSequt
  1. to stop, riding
  2. trying, learning, learning, doing
  3. buying, selling
  4. to have, meeting
  5. to help, prepare
  6. getting up, getting ready
  7. hitting
  8. sitting, telling
  9. trying, selling
  10. to finish, packing
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