25. Choose the correct item.
1. I hoped that the teacher... through our tests two days later.
had looked, would look, looked
2. Jerry said that he... protect all little children in his school.
could, can, would be able to
3. The teacher told us that Columbus... born in Italy.
is, was, would be
4. Kate was afraid that her friends... at the airport yet.
hadn't arrived, didn't arrive, wouldn't arrive

26. Choose the correct item.
1. Betty thought that she ... work as a
can, could, would be able to
2. Emily said that her new friends... engineers.
were, are, would be
3. Joy told us that his ferry... passengers, mail and food.
carried, had carried, carries
4. Lily hoped that she... the island two
days later.
had reached, reached, would reach​


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


1. ...had looked through...

2. ...could ...

3. ...was born in Italy.

4. ... hadn't arrived at the airport yet

1. ...would be able to work...

2. ... were engineers

3. ...carried...

4. ...would reach the island two days later.


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