Past simple or present perfect? Choose the correct verb form.
I (a) left (left / have left) college in July last year and in the last few months I (b) ..… (had / have had) three jobs. The first (c) ..… (was / has been) a temporary job in a factory. I (d) ….. (stayed / have stayed) there until October. Then I (e) ….. (got / have got) a new job as a sales assistant in a shop. I (f) .…. (didn’t like / haven’t liked) that and in January I (g) ….. (began / have begun) working here at the hotel. I (h) ….. (worked / have worked) on the reception desk since February and I enjoy it very much. I (i) ….. (met / have met) a lot of nice people in the last few months and I think I (j) ….. (found / have found) a job that I want to do for a long time.


Ответ дал: dartveyder2403
a) left, (b) have had, (c) was, (d) stayed, (e) got, (f) didn’t like, (g) began, (h) have worked, (i) have met, (j) have found.
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