Перетвори речення на заперечні.

1. He finished his work last evening. 2. They worked in that city two months

ago. 3. Boris phoned me yesterday. 4. My cat climbed the tree ten minutes ago.

5. It rained yesterday. 6. He studied in my school two years ago.​


Ответ дал: Пеппер

1. He didn`t finish  his work last evening.

2. They didn`t work in that city two months ago.

3. Boris didn`t phone me yesterday.

4. My cat didn`t  climb the tree ten minutes ago.

5. It didn`t rain yesterday.

6. He didn`t study in my school two years ago.​

Ответ дал: liza8kolesnik

Ответ: в поясненні


1.he didnt finish his work last evening

2.they didnt work in that city two months ago

3.Boris didnt phone me yesterday

4.my cat didnt climb the tree ten minutes ago

5.it didnt rain yesterday

6.he didnt study in my school two years ago

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