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1. "He hasn't been to school this week."
Mr. Brown said…
2. "I've never tried skateboarding." Kate said…
3. "It hasn't rained much this year."
Mike said…
4. "We haven't seen the new play."
They said…

1. "Jane left the party early."
He said…
2. " I didn't go out at the weekend."
Sam said…
3. "We went to the park to have a picnic."
They said…
4. "The plane left at seven."
He said…


Ответ дал: abdumalikmaidanov45

1) Mr. Brown said that he hadn't been to school that week.

2) Kate said that she had never tried skateboarding.

3) Mike said that it hadn't rained much that year.

4) They said that they hadn't seen the new play.

1) He said that Jane had left the party early.

2) Sam said that he hadn't gone out at the weekend.

3) They said that they had gone to the park to have a picnic.

4) He said that the plane had left at seven.

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