18) Read the statements and then choose the most suitable verb which perfectly fits into the gap, adding the correct form of [have to] or [must] to it, in order to create grammatically and lexically correct sentences.
Example: he must go now\ they had to do it.

1. Excuse me, I ________ a phone call. I’ll be in a minute.
2. When Lenny’s started a new job next month, he _________ 50 miles by bus to get there.
3. The car park is free – it means that you ___________ for it at all.
4. How old __________ to be able to drive in your country?
5. I couldn’t find the street I was looking for myself, so I __________ somebody for directions.
6. Whatever you do, you ____________ that switch. It is too dangerous!
7. You __________ forget what I’ve told you. It is extremely important.
8. There is a lift in this building, so you ___________ climb the stairs to get to the office you need.
9. Alex can’t meet us tomorrow. He ________ because his boss said that he _________ finish the project by Monday sharp.
10. How is Bill enjoying his new job? _________ a lot around the world, or he_________ sit in the office doing nothing?
Заранее спасибо!


Ответ дал: halifalatif566



  1. must make
  2. will have to travel
  3. don't have to pay
  4. do you have to be
  5. had to ask
  6. must not touch
  7. must not
  8. don't have to
  9. can't, has to, must
  10. Is he traveling, or is he sitting

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