Read the dialogue and say what project the children have decided to launch
in their school.
Andriy: Hi, Olia! Any news from our partner school in Great Britain?
Olia: Hello, Andriy! We got a letter from them yesterday. They have
launched the UNESCO World Heritage Project in their school
and invite us to participate in it, too.
Andriy: I’ve heard about UNESCO. The abbreviation stands for the United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. It promotes international co-operation among the countries in the fields
of education, scien ce, culture and communication. Am I right?
Olia: Yes, you are right.
Andriy: What sites have they chosen for their project?
Olia: They have decided to write about the sites in Ukraine and we
have to choose the sites from the UK.
Andriy: Oh, I see. The project will help us know both countries better.
Olia: This is what the projects exist after all. They help us learn
more about the world and people who live in it.


Ответ дал: Liketwix


The children have decided to launch the UNESCO World Heritage Project in their school. They will participate in the project with their partner school in Great Britain. The project aims to promote international cooperation and learn more about the world and people who live in it. They will choose sites from their respective countries to write about.

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