You are back from a holiday. Write an email to your English friend to tell him/her about it (50-100 words).
• Tell him/her where you went,
Describe what you liked most,
• Invite him/her to spend a weekend at your house.


Ответ дал: daniil062

Hi Jane,

I hope this email finds you well. I’m writing to tell you about my holiday. I went to Spain with my family for two weeks and we had a great time. We visited Barcelona, Madrid and Seville and saw many beautiful places and monuments. We also enjoyed the food, the weather and the culture.

The thing I liked most was seeing the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. It’s an amazing church designed by Gaudi and it’s still under construction. It has a very unique and impressive architecture and it’s full of details and symbols. I was amazed by its beauty and size.

I would love to see you soon and catch up on everything. How about spending a weekend at my house next month? You can come on Friday evening and stay until Sunday afternoon. We can watch movies, play games, go shopping and have fun together.

Let me know if you are interested and what dates are good for you. I miss you a lot!



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