Help me answer the questions that are asked in the photo.



Ответ дал: zabivakajr


1. Children are in the livving room.

2. Nell is playing the piano.

3. Ted is singing.

4. Ada and Kate are dancing.

5. Ann is sitting on the couch.

6. She is eating sweets.

7. Alex and Tim are drinking Cola.

8. No, he drinks Cola.

9. Tim is listening to the music and drinking.

10. Children are enjoying the party.

Ответ дал: AndrewBaradew632

1. The children are at a birthday party.

2. Nell is playing a piano.

3. Ted is singing.

4. Ada and Kate are dancing.

5. Ann is sitting on a sofa.

6. She is eating a Hot Dog

7. Alex and Tim are drinking cola.

8. No, Tim isn't eating an ice cream.

9. He is drinking cola.

10. Yes, the children are having fun.

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