3. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the
correct form.
1. Susan usually (to travel) by an express
or a stopping train?
2. How often her friends (to travel) by
bus round Europe last year?
3. What your journey (to be) back from
Rome like last summer holidays?
4. Which berth in a train you (to pre-
5. Mary (to check) in for Flight 611 to
Rome fifteen minutes ago?
6. We (to claim) our luggage in five min-


Ответ дал: nkovalets
Susan usually travels by an express or a stopping train.
How often did her friends travel by bus round Europe last year?
What was your journey back from Rome like last summer holidays?
Which berth in a train do you prefer?
Did Mary check in for Flight 611 to Rome fifteen minutes ago?
We will claim our luggage in five minutes.
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