Complete the following sentences using the Present, Past and Future Passive.
1) Tracy....... there by her close friends last week. (to invite)
2) Barbecues ....... always ....... by the Browns near this lake. (to cook)
3)The tickets ......... in advance next week. (to buy)
4) Carrots ......... usually ....... by me for breakfast. (to grate)
5) The puppy ........ a minute ago. (to lose)
6) This boy ....... by our family in a month. (to adopt)
7) The cucumbers .......... here every year. (to grow)
8) The words ........ by the teacher ten minutes ago. (to erase)
9) This topic ....... at the next meeting. (to mention)​


Ответ дал: dors65
1) was invited
2) is always cooked
3) will be bought
4) are usually grated
5) was lost
6) will be adopted
7) are grown
8) were erased
9) will be mentioned
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