Put the words in the right order.
1. you / I’d / to / with / like / have / word / a.
2. Was / I / lot / when / younger/used/to/cycling/a/go/I.
3. at /he/to/doesn’t/home/ seem / be.
4. there / thing / green / what’s / that / over?
5. to / sleeping- bags / I / we / wonder / take / if / need.
6. They / a / don’t / says / believe / word/he.
7. India/only/I’ve/to/been/once.
8.dance/all/the/for/ done / the / have / the decorating/juniors.
9. ago / L / out / cat / let / the / hour / an.
10. torn / I / don’t / had / know / where / I / jeans / my.


Ответ дал: klumbkids



1 I'd like to have a word with you.

2 When I was younger, I used to go cycling a lot.

3 He doesn't seem to be at home.

4 What's that green thing over there?

5 I wonder if we need to take sleeping bags.

6 He says they don't believe a word.

7 I've only been to India once.

8 The juniors have done all the decorating for the dance.

9 An hour ago, I let the cat out.

10 I don't know where I had my jeans torn.

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