Написати 10 речень Continuous in future и 10 речень going to


Ответ дал: kobopa

I will be studying for my exams next week.

She will be working on her project tomorrow.

They will be playing soccer this afternoon.

He will be traveling to Europe next month.

We will be having dinner at 7 PM tonight.

You will be taking your driving test next Friday.

The children will be sleeping by 9 PM tonight.

The sun will be shining all day tomorrow.

The birds will be singing in the morning.

The flowers will be blooming in the spring.

I am going to visit my grandparents this weekend.

She is going to start a new job next month.

They are going to have a party next Saturday.

He is going to buy a new car soon.

We are going to watch a movie tonight.

You are going to pass your exams with flying colors!

The weather is going to be sunny and warm tomorrow.

The train is going to arrive in 10 minutes

I am going to make dinner for my family tonight.

She is going to take her dog for a walk in the park.

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