6. When we finish school ...

1) I`ll get us some drinks.

2) as soon as I get home.

3) you`ll fail your exams.

4) we`ll play basketball.

5) we won`t be late for school.

6) I`ll feel tired tomorrow.

7. I`ll have my mobile phone with me ...

1) in case you need to call me.

2) in case you`ll need to call me.

3) in case you`ve needed to call me.

8. Come and say goodbye tomorrow ...

1) before you`ll leave.

2) before you`ve left.

3) before you leave.

9. After I ... university, I`ll probably take a year off and travel.

1) will finish

2) shall finish

3) finish

4) have finished

10. I won`t go to bed until you ... home.

1) will come

2) come

3) will have come

4) came


Ответ дал: klumbkids



6 When we finish school, 4) we'll play basketball.

7  I'll have my mobile phone with me, 1) in case you need to call me.

8 Come and say goodbye tomorrow, 3) before you leave.

9 After I finish university, 4) have finished, I'll probably take a year off and travel.

10 I won't go to bed until you come, 2) come.

izamirukraine: Поставил четыре звезды, все правильно кроме 9 вопроса. have finished там не подходит. А так все замечательно, спасибо большое)
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