II. Complete the sentences with can, can’t, could, couldn’t, must, mustn’t, need, needn’t, have to, don’t have to.
1. My mother often ___________ work at the weekend. She is a doctor.
2. Sam, you ___________ feed the monkey. It’s forbidden at the zoo.
3. My brother is very tall, that’s why he _________play basketball very well.
4. I’m very exhausted today. I ________ wash up now, but I’ll do it tomorrow.
5. You _________ take a taxi. It is so expensive. You can go by bus.
6. Two years ago, I _________ even imagine that we would study online the
whole year.
7. Tourists ___________take their passports with them when they go abroad.
8. .When I went to Poland for the first time, I ____________speak a word of
9. We _________ your advice.
10. You __________ go with us if you don’t want to.


Ответ дал: dartveyder2403
1. My mother often has to work at the weekend. She is a doctor.
2. Sam, you mustn't feed the monkey. It’s forbidden at the zoo.
3. My brother is very tall, that’s why he can play basketball very well.
4. I’m very exhausted today. I don't have to wash up now, but I’ll do it tomorrow.
5. You don't have to take a taxi. It is so expensive. You can go by bus.
6. Two years ago, I couldn't even imagine that we would study online the whole year.
7. Tourists must take their passports with them when they go abroad.
8. When I went to Poland for the first time, I couldn't speak a word of Polish.
9. We need your advice.
10. You don't have to go with us if you don’t want to.

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