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George Morland (1763-1804) was an outstanding English artist of the 18th century and a brilliant painter of landscape. Like many artists, he turned to nature for inspiration. He had an instinctive feeling for nature. Among his pictures The Approaching Storm is truly remarkable. It is, indeed, a masterpiece of the world painting. Looking at the picture, you can easily understand how keenly the artist felt nature in every detail. He was able to impart a sinister atmosphere of the coming storm. You feel the threatening silence before the storm. The sky is overcast. The first gust of wind shakes the trees, the next moment it will start raining. The artist enlivens the landscape by two horses and a dog huddling¹ together in a little group, seeking protection from a man in danger. This landscape is a typical example of sentimental and poetic painting.

dianaruchka18: outstanding, brilliant, instinctive, remarkable, keenly, sinister, threatening, overcast, enlivens, huddling, sentimental, poetic.


Ответ дал: dianaruchka18

Ответ: outstanding, brilliant, instinctive, remarkable, keenly, sinister, threatening, overcast, enlivens, huddling, sentimental, poetic.


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