Помогите даю 25 баллов фото будет снизу



Ответ дал: yorkanyuta
a) Something surprising that happened to me:
Yesterday, while I was walking home from work, I saw my old friend from high school, whom I hadn't seen in years. As soon as I recognized her, I called out her name and we started chatting. While we were catching up, she told me that she had just moved to the city and was living only a few blocks away from me. I was surprised to see her after so long, but even more surprised to hear that she was now my neighbor.

b) A dream I had:
Last night, I had a strange dream. I was walking through a forest, and everything was dark and quiet. Suddenly, I heard a loud noise behind me, and I turned around to see a group of wild animals chasing me. I started running as fast as I could, but they were gaining on me. Just as they were about to catch me, I woke up, sweating and panting. I couldn't believe how vivid and intense the dream was, and it took me a few minutes to calm down and realize that it was just a dream.

fima7s: Можете пожалуйста помочь с английским? 7 класс! Очень прошу!
yorkanyuta: хорошо давай
yorkanyuta: смотря сколько и что делать
fima7s: Посмотри у меня в профиле вопрос!
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