Put the verbs in the Past Perfect. 1. The Saturday after Kevin his accident, Julia went to Kate's house. 2. She had to wait until Kate... her homework. 3. Then the two girls went to a new bookshop which ... a few days earlier. 4. After they ... a long time in the shop, they bought a book of jokes. 5. They knew the jokes were good because they ... most of them in the shop. 6. Then Julia and Kate went to the hospital where the ambulance men ... Kevin after his accident. 7. When they arrived, the visiting hours so they didn't have to wait. 8. They gave Kevin the book of jokes. Then they helped him to eat a box of chocolates which somebody else ... him. 9. When they... almost all the chocolates, it was time to go. 10. After they ... to visit him again soon, they said goodbye. 11. As soon as Kate and Julia ... Kevin started to read some jokes. 12. That evening he felt better because he ... so much.​


Ответ дал: klumbkids



1 had had

2 had finished

3 had opened

4 had spent

5 had laughed at

6 had taken

7 had ended

8 had given

9 had eaten

10 had promised

11 had arrived

12 had laughed

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