Помогите пожалуйста срочно!!!
Imagine you're on holiday at an adventure camp. It's Thursday 9 July. Write a postcard to a friend. Look at the list of activities in the table to get ideas and answer the following questions:

• How long have you been there?
• Are you having a good time?
• What activities have you done so far?
• What did / didn't you like?

Mon 6 July explore a cave
Tue 7 July try mountain biking
Wed 8 July try scuba-diving / see lots of fish
Thu 9 July try horse riding ​



Ответ дал: yorkanyuta
Dear [Friend's name],

Greetings from the adventure camp! I hope this postcard finds you well. I have been here since Monday 6 July, and it's been an incredible experience so far. I am having a great time exploring new activities and challenging myself.

On Monday, I went on an adventure to explore a cave. It was a bit scary at first, but I loved the feeling of adventure and discovery. On Tuesday, I tried mountain biking for the first time, and it was a thrilling experience. I loved the adrenaline rush and the beautiful views.

Yesterday, I tried scuba-diving, and I saw so many fish! It was an unforgettable experience, and I would do it again in a heartbeat. Today, I tried horse riding, and it was a bit of a challenge for me. However, it was still fun, and I enjoyed the scenery as we rode along.

Overall, I am having an amazing time here, and I have met so many new people. I cannot wait to see what other adventures this camp has in store for me. I hope you are doing well, and I cannot wait to catch up with you when I return.

Best regards,
[Your name]
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