1.me/you / garden/ help / the / can / in
2. you / sister's / know / name / do / his
3. are / right / what / doing / now / you
4. like some / would / more / coffee / you
5. boys / home / the / at / are
6. work, / at /she/she/ isn't / is
7. your / movie /is/what / favourite
8. did / umbrella / put / you / my / where
9. money / much/left/ How / we / have
10. today / aren't/ at / you / Why / school
Даю 70 балов, срочно!!!!


Ответ дал: forellka
Can you help me in the garden?
Do you know his sister's name?
What are you doing right now?
Would you like some more coffee?
The boys are at home.
She isn't at work.
What is your favourite movie?
Where did you put my umbrella?
How much money do we have left?
Why aren't you at school today?
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