◆ Adam is with his mum. ◆ I see an elephant and a tiger. I see ◆ The cat is playing with my brother. My sister feeds the cat every day. ◆ I don't like my uncle Bruno. I don't like ◆ John and I buy flowers for our mum. ◆ Dominik likes eating a hamburger. ◆ Children play with pets every day. day. ◆ I like my grandma. I like ◆ John and I love going to the cinema. cinema. is with ◆ You and Peter hate going to concerts. concerts. ◆ Peter and Sarah like eating pizza. ◆ I can't find my notebook. I can't find ◆ You are my best friend. I love is playing with feeds buy flowers for likes eating play with every day. love going to the hate going to like eating every • Напишите Pronoun S and O там где необходимо​


Ответ дал: yorkanyuta
◆ Adam is with his mum. (S: Adam, O: mum)
◆ I see an elephant and a tiger. I see (S: I, O: nothing)
◆ The cat is playing with my brother. My sister feeds the cat every day. (S: The cat, My sister, O: my brother, the cat)
◆ I don't like my uncle Bruno. I don't like (S: I, O: my uncle Bruno)
◆ John and I buy flowers for our mum. (S: John and I, O: flowers)
◆ Dominik likes eating a hamburger. (S: Dominik, O: a hamburger)
◆ Children play with pets every day. (S: Children, O: pets)
◆ I like my grandma. I like (S: I, O: my grandma)
◆ John and I love going to the cinema. (S: John and I, O: cinema)
◆ You and Peter hate going to concerts. (S: You and Peter, O: concerts)
◆ Peter and Sarah like eating pizza. (S: Peter and Sarah, O: pizza)
◆ I can't find my notebook. I can't find (S: I, O: my notebook)
◆ You are my best friend. I love (S: You, O: nothing)
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