помогите пожалуйста очень срочно прошу​



Ответ дал: yorkanyuta
There's a bank opposite the supermarket. (The sentence is grammatically correct.)
Walk across the bridge. (We use "across" to indicate movement from one side to another.)
There are a lot of trees across the street. (We use "are" for plural nouns.)
There's a hotel between the Internet cafe and the restaurant. (The sentence is grammatically correct.)
Turn left and walk through the tunnel. (We use "through" to indicate movement from one end of something to the other.)
Students usually go past the shops. (We use "past" to indicate movement alongside something.)
There's a café on James Street - next to the station. (We use "on" to indicate a location on a street.)
Get out of the tunnel and walk onto the road. (We use "onto" to indicate movement onto a surface.)
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