перепишіть речення використовуючи конструкцію as…as…
Example: Tom is as tall as Steven.
1. Tom is (tall) … Steven.
2. Sue is (beautiful) … Sophie.
3. You are (crazy) … my sister.
4. We can run (fast) … they can.
5. My mom is (not/ strict) … your mum.
6. Your mobile phone is (not /trendy) … mine.
7. Matrix II was (not /interesting) … Matrix I.
8. This yoghurt (not / taste /good) … the one I bought yesterday.
9. I can do (many/press-ups) … you.
10. My dog is (not / friendly) … yours.
11. Travelling by double-decker is (exciting) … a river cruise
12. Going by train is (not /cheap) … going by bus.


Ответ дал: callmespecial

1. Tom is as tall as Steven.

2. Sue is as beautiful as Sophie.

3. You are as crazy as my sister.

4. We can run as fast as they can.

5. My mom isn't as strict as your mum.

6. Your mobile phone isn't as trendy as mine.

7. Matrix II wasn't as interesting as Matrix I.

8. This yoghurt doesn't taste as good as the one I bought yesterday.

9. I can do as many press-ups as you.

10. My dog isn't as friendly as yours.

11. Travelling by double-decker is as exciting as a river cruise.

12. Going by train isn't as cheap as going by bus.

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