Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present. Past, Future Simple; Present. Past Continuous; Present, Past Perfect.
1.1 (not to know) what time (to be) now. My watch (to stop).
2. Usually he (to come) home at seven o clock but yesterday he (to come) at nine.
3. We (not to go) to the theatre next Friday as we (to be) there a week ago.
4. At last we (to stop) working and now we can have a rest.
5. What he (to do) now? - He (to paint) the wall.
6. Yesterday she (to pay) for her ticket and (to leave).
7. Peter (to be) ready in ten minutes. He (to take) a bath at the moment. - If he (not to take) a bath soon, I (to go) for a walk alone.
8. Mary already (to clean) the room and John (to make) the dinner
9. She (to be) surprised now: someone (to put) flowers fer her.
10 After we (to tell) them about the danger, they (to leave) the city.
11. My son (to watch) television his favourite programme (to be) on now.
12. Now I (not to be) sure that he (to do) his lessons later.
13. Our manager signed the documents and (to go) upstairs.
14. How many times you (to see) him since he went to London?



Ответ дал: maks6757maks



1.1 I don't know what time it is now. My watch stopped. (Present Simple, Present Simple)

2. Usually he comes home at seven o'clock but yesterday he came at nine. (Present Simple, Past Simple)

We are not going to the theatre next Friday as we were there a week ago. (Present Continuous, Past Simple)

At last, we stopped working and now we can have a rest. (Past Simple)

What is he doing now? - He is painting the wall. (Present Continuous)

Yesterday she paid for her ticket and left. (Past Simple, Past Simple)

Peter will be ready in ten minutes. He is taking a bath at the moment. - If he doesn't take a bath soon, I will go for a walk alone. (Future Simple, Present Continuous, Present Simple, Future Simple)

Mary has already cleaned the room, and John is making the dinner. (Present Perfect, Present Continuous)

She is surprised now: someone has put flowers for her. (Present Continuous, Present Perfect)

After we told them about the danger, they left the city. (Past Simple, Past Simple)

My son is watching television; his favourite programme is on now. (Present Continuous, Present Simple)

Now, I am not sure that he will do his lessons later. (Present Simple, Future Simple)

Our manager signed the documents and went upstairs. (Past Simple, Past Simple)

How many times have you seen him since he went to London? (Present Perfect)

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