Nowadays there are so many different subcultures in the world, and my attitude towards them is contradictory. On the one hand, it is good that young people get together on the basis of mutual interests and hobbies. On the other hand, some subcultures provide for bad habits such as smoking or drinking alcohol. That's why I think subcultures are sort of negative.
Speaking of Goths, I must mention the main features of their appearance. They usually wear various tattoos and piercings, dye their hair black, wear black clothing and black boots. People adjoining such subcultures, as a rule, are from fourteen to forty-five years old. This is a rather strange group of people who are a little bit related to the theme of vampires. These young people are trying to look like vampires. You can recognize them in a crowd by their pale faces, dark-colored eyes and eyebrows, long, straight black hair, and a serious look. The fact is that they all share a love for a particular type of music known as gothic rock.
In addition, I know such subcultures as hippies, emo, punks and a number of others. In my opinion, they gather in such tight-knit groups to express their individuality and find themselves.
Most teenagers, for example, don't know what they want to be in the future and join similar subcultures to find their way in life. However, I think they could achieve the same by simply doing well in school, interacting closely with peers, and engaging in exciting hobbies.
I I am sure that people are happier and more satisfied with their lives when they attend certain sports sections or start taking dance lessons. This way of spending time is much better than dyeing your hair black or piercing various parts of the body.​

dashaspinatiy: слушай я могу скоротить но недумаю что план напишу
dashaspinatiy: мне скорачивать ?
vityapalaihev: ну давай, но план тоже желательно
dashaspinatiy: ладно постараюсь
vityapalaihev: привет
vityapalaihev: скинь текст сюда
vityapalaihev: мне пишет, что вопрос удалён
vityapalaihev: ау
vityapalaihev: пж


Ответ дал: dashaspinatiy

Відповідь:Nowadays there are so many different subcultures in the world, and my attitude towards them is contradictory. On the one hand, it is good that young people get together on the basis of mutual interests and hobbies. That's why I think subcultures are sort of negative.

Speaking of Goths, I must mention the main features of their appearance. They usually wear various tattoos and piercings, dye their hair black, wear black clothing and black boots.  These young people are trying to look like vampires. You can recognize them in a crowd by their pale faces, dark-colored eyes and eyebrows, long, straight black hair, and a serious look. The fact is that they all share a love for a particular type of music known as gothic rock.

In addition, I know such subcultures as hippies, emo, punks and a number of others.

However, I think they could achieve the same by simply doing well in school, interacting closely with peers, and engaging in exciting hobbies.

I I am sure that people are happier and more satisfied with their lives when they attend certain sports sections or start taking dance lessons. This way of spending time is much better than dyeing your hair black or piercing various parts of the body.​


план немогу, и да ето максимум как можно скоротить бо есль больше то уже будет не текст

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