Помогите пожалуйста умаляю стою на коленях

Passive - exercises

Write: present and past

1.My team won the match .

The match ... by my team.

2.The worm eats the apples.The apples ...by the worm.

3.Sophie makes the dinner. The dinner ... by her.

4.The singer sang a song. A song

... by the singer.

5.I bought the gifts.. The gifts

... by me.

6.The cook prepares the food. The food ...by the cook

7.The mechanic fixes the cars. The cars

... by the mechanic.

8.My father ironed the shirts. The shirts

... by him.


Ответ дал: m60380031


Помогите пожалуйста срочно!

Passive - exercises

Write: present and past

1.My team won the match .

The match ... by my ...



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